After two years, I left the university because my father needed me to help him in the tower company and I started working “full time” and with almost no pay.
After two years, I left the university because my father needed me to help him in the tower company and I started working “full time” and with almost no pay.
With that company, I learned that there was a way to generate passive income differently and not just work for someone else.
By continuing to be active in sports, in 1989 I was awarded a university scholarship in the sport of volleyball and basketball. It is there, when I start my studies in the Quality Control branch. That year was very special for me, since on May 6 I met my wife, Madelyn Cruz Padilla, today. The woman who has blessed me with my 4 beautiful children, Santiago V, Michael Adrián, Giovanni and my princess, Dakysha Lyann. In that same year is when I know what the Market Network Industry is with a perfume company. To publicize and promote the product you had to go door to door.
After that experience, I learned not to follow people who do not have the result you want.
In May 1987, I graduated from high school. Then I continued my studies and in 1988 I graduated from Computer Programming. Back then I had the vision that the world would be dominated by computers and if I am sure of one thing it is that I am not mistaken. That same year I started a job in that field and the funny thing is that an employee of the company where I worked broke my dream of being a Computer Programmer.
Over the course of those years I learned that my father’s salary as a middle school math teacher was not enough for him to live on and he had to find a second source of income. Having no one to leave me to take care of, on weekends, he would take me to work with him in his new company.
In mid-1982, my father started his communications tower installation business under the name Broadcast Towers Sales & Services.
In my younger years, around 1979, I played all kinds of sports between ball, volleyball and basketball.
From my childhood I can tell you that at the age of 4 I was about to die from a kidney condition, but God allowed me to live for a purpose that I did not understand and that was to be able to help people.
My name is Santiago Santiago Colón. My family and friends call me “Chaguin”. I am from Puerto Rico. I was born on March 27, 1970, in the city of Ponce. We are 4 brothers, three females and one male. Being the second son of my parents, Judith Colón Echevarría and Santiago Santiago Vázquez.