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Timeline Stories

Learned …

I learned to put Leader’s egos aside and start again. Antonio Martínez is the key person in all my success. It taught me to be focused, commitment, loyalty, speak the truth, have a posture and dare to do what you fear. He has taught me everything by example. On March 31, 2017, I write to Antonio Martínez: Greetings, my name is Santiago Santiago and I want to do business with you. Antonio never sent me his referral link and never spoke to me about the business. Antonio Martínez sent me the blog of his page so that I knew him and knew who he is as a person and he was interested in getting to know me. From Antonio Martínez I learned the importance of making the relationship first before the business or the opportunity. On May 1, 2017, I start the project. I did not enter for the money I could earn, at first I entered to travel with my family more economically, since there are six of us. Still, I started recommending it to everyone. On the 12th of that same month, I mentioned it to my great friend and Leader, Julio Ayala. He was the first person to say yes, and today he is one of the highest performing leaders in Puerto Rico. At the end of May, I receive a call from Antonio Martínez and in that call Antonio tells me that if we help him qualify for the second level of the company’s rank, with…


In 2017, I meet InCruises, the best company in the world so far. This in my search to want to improve my lifestyle and that of my family. I have always considered that the best education I can give my children is through travel. My priority is to spend quality time with my family and educate them with cultures and traditions. Given the situation that my Company is a person known on the radio and press, for the work done and contracts with them, I did not want to be involved in something illegal or fraudulent. I give myself the task of investigating the company for more than 3 months. Then I decide to enter and I could not do it because I had to be referred by someone in the Membership Club. I start by searching the networks for someone that I understand was seriously doing the project and at that moment I find a 27-year-old boy from Valencia, Spain. Which already had business in 40 countries, without leaving his room, from his computer and cell phone. At that moment I said to myself, what can that young boy teach me? I was 47 years old at the time.

Learned …

Here I learned my biggest lesson and that is that many network marketing companies buy leaders and offer you money and positions in exchange. They buy your dignity and your loyalty and that is the most I hate in this life, lies. In this industry we must be faithful and ethical to our word. Do not sell loyalty and dignity for agreements or money. We must be good people to do good and we must do only one thing until we achieve it. You must be faithful to your people, not fail and do it with genuine love and not deceit. You must give love, a lot of love and above all, do it from the heart.


In 2016, we were sold as cattle to a company called ACN by a top leader of the Solavei company. He chose our work team and offered it to that company.

Learned …

It was not easy, but I learned not to drop and start again. I got stronger than ever in character.


In 2012, I met a company that was one that I really loved and liked, it was called Solavei. Here I learned that there were companies within the service industry and they did not depend on physical products and I loved that. I was one of the company’s greatest leaders with certain results, but the company closed its doors with a phone call. Everything I had built for 3 years, I saw collapsed in a single call.

Learned …

I learned that there were fraudulent companies, unscrupulous people, who just want to hurt and steal from people. In the same way I learned and met friends within good companies and we have made relationships so strong that they are part of the success I have today.


In 2008, I met other Marketing Network companies with different products and Compensation plans. Trying everything, I met companies like Monavie, Free Life, Max International and various fraudulent schemes where all were lost.

Learned …

This time I learned to organize myself and to see the industry as a vehicle and above all, to love what I do.


In 2004, I try marketing networks again, and this time with Quixtar. The new name for AMWAY. This is where I give myself the opportunity to return in search of that passive income.